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The History of Formation and Development of Interrelations of Tajikistan Republic with Rrench Republic


Sharipov Firdaws Abdufattohovich


The article is devoted to the complex investigation aimed at the formation and development of interrelations between Tajikistan and France in the years of independence. The key facts referring to the Tajik-French interstatal collaboration in political, military, trade-economic and scientific-cultural fields are generalized and analyzed. Special attention is paid to a significance of exchange of visits on higher and high levels for activation of interactions dealing with the abovementioned directions. In a nutshell, the author comes to the conclusion that for both Tajikistan and France, in spite of the results achieved, it is important to undertake successive steps in order to consolidate the ties of mutually profitable partnership and to elevate bilateral collaboration to a new level quality as well.


Tajikistan, France, international relations, foreign policy, history, independence 


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Publication date

Thursday, 28 April 2016