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From the History of Formation and Development of Sisterhood between the Cities of Tajikistan and Russia


Isomitdinov Zhorabek Bobobekovich


The goal of the research is showing the history of formation and development of sisterhood between the cities of Tajikistan and Russia in the post-Soviet period. The author of the article discloses the essence of sisterhood-establishment phenomenon in reference to friendly ties between the cities of various counties. On the example of the cities sisterhood phenomenon the author analyzes the forms of cultural-social practices in the space of a city. The issue in question dwells on a social practice possessing resources of potential for the city and its inhabitants. In his article the author canvasses the main moments in regard to collaboration of sister-cities: Dushanbe and Saint-Petersburg, Khujand and Orenburg, Bustan (Chkalovsk) and Snezhinsk  and etc. It is stated that partnerships between certain cities of Tajikistan have been actively developed  comparatively recently, and namely - beginning with the 90-th of the XX-th century.


sisterhood, collaboration, international relations, city, partnership, development


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Publication date

Thursday, 30 June 2016