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Improvement of Material Welfare and Utilities Service in Regard to Collective-Farmers (the 50-ies – the 80-ies of the XX-th century)


Kurbanzade Khonali


The  article presents an analysis of state activity on an improvement of matetial welfare in regard to the rural population of the Tajik SSR in the 50-ies – 80 ies of the XX-th century. Into the bargain resorting to comparable exploration the author studied the activities of big economy holdings of the  republic, such as  Lenin collective-farm (Proletar nokhiya) Urunkhodjayev collective-farm of Khodzhent nokhiya, “Communism” of Vakhsh nokhiya, Lenin  collective-farm of Vose` nokhiya; the activities being aimed at an elevation of  material welfare of rural labourers. The author proves that collective-farm frameworks were a school of progressive experience and upbringing of working-people  in labour spirit. The author comes to the opinion that under today`s economuc activity one ought to preserve  the Soviet experience in question.


collective-farm building, economic activity, diffusion of experoence, rural labourers, elevation of material welfare


1. Materials of the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, December 26-27, 1983. – M.:Politizdat, 1983. – p.17.

2. Lenin V.I. The Sreech at the All-Rassian Congress of Soviets // Complete collection of Works. – V.36. – 381 pp.

3. Archive of Agriculture Ministry of the Tajik SSR. –F.1. – I.12. – C. 2304. –Sh. 17.

4. Archive of Agriculture Ministry of the Tajik SSR. – C. 2206. – Sh. 4.

5. The Essay on the History of Collective-Farm Building in Tajikistan (1917-1965). – Dushanbe: Knowledge, 1967. -338.

6. Party and Government Resolutions on Economy Issues. –M.: Politizdat, 1968. – PP.111-113.

7. Party Archive of the Branch of Marxism-Leninism Institute . F.3. –I. 173. –C.46.-Sh.160.

8. Essays of the History of Tajikistan Communist Party. –Dushanbe: Irfon, 1984. –V.2.

9. On Introducing Alterations into the Provision Concerned with Allotment and Payment of Pensions to the  Members of Collective-Farms // Pravda, 1976, July 6.

10. Soviet Tajikistan for 60 years. –Dushanbe: Irfon, 1984 .

11. Archive of Agriculture Ministry of the Tajik SSR. –F.1. –I.12.-C.191.-Sh.33.

12. Archive of Agriculture Ministry of the Tajik SSR. –F.1. –I.12.-C.191.-Sh. 301.

13. Archive of Agriculture Ministry of the Tajik SSR. –F.1. –I.12.-C.2504.-Sh.114.

14. Archive of Agriculture Ministry of the Tajik SSR. –F.1. –I.12.-C.125.-Sh.17.

15. Archive of Agriculture Ministry of the Tajik SSR. –F.1. –I.12.-C.191.-Sh.36.

16. Current Archive of “Communism” Collection-Farm of Vakhsh Nokhiya (average administrative-territorial unit of Tajikistan): Report for 1980

Publication date

Tuesday, 30 June 2015