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Ceremonial Rites of Meetings and Offseeings of Abbasid Caliphs` Ambassadors at Gaznevid Courts*


Khuseynov Farukh Rakhimovich


Proceeding from mediaeval originals belonging in particular to Beykhaki, Utbi, Gardezi, the author analyzes the ceremonial rites of meetings and offseeings of the Abbasid caliph`s ambassadors at Gaznevids` court. The author presents the tradition of the rituals  which accompanied the ceremonies in question. Ambassadors from Bagdad were commissioned with  important  state affairs.  To the latters there might refer a crowning of a recurrent emir of Gazna. A  new caliph after an ascension to the  throne also sent  an ambassador of his to Gazna with this news in order a khutba  addressed to him were read in Gaznewids` state. Reception of an ambassador and  his  offseeing home were accompanied with a large number of ceremonies. After the conquest  of Khorasan by Seljukids diplomatic ties with the caliphate were broken.


Gaznevids` dynasty, ambassador, treaty and commitments, sultan, ceremonial rites, donations


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2. Bartold V.V. Turkestan in the Epoch of Mongolian Invasion: compositions in 9 volumes. V.1. –M., Oriental Literature, 1963. -761 pp.

3. Beykhaki, A. The History of Masud. 1030-1041: introductory article, translation and  commentaries by  A.K. Arends./ Abulfaze Baykhaki. –Tashkent: Uzbek SSR Academy of sciences, 1962. -748 pp.

4. Gardezi Abusaid. Zayn-ul-akhbor (Tarikhi Gardezi): The History of Gardezi: text preparation, commentary, glossary by Abulkkaiy Khabibi. –Tehran: Book World, 1363 hijra. -733 pp.

5. Gafurov B.G. Tajiks: the Ancientest, Ancient and Mediaeval Histories. –The 2-nd book. –Dushanbe: Cognition, 1989. -480 pp.

6. Nizomulmulk. The Book about Politics./ Nizomulmulk. –Dushanbe: Man-of-Letters, 1989. -200 pp.

7. Rui Gonsales de Claviho. Diary of the Travel to Samarkand to Timur`s Court (1403-1406) –M.: Science, 1990. -216 pp.

8. Sayfullokhi Mullojohn. “The History of  Masud” by Abulfazl Beykhaki. – Dushanbe:  Cognition, 2013. -240pp.

9. Unsurmaoli Kaikovus. Kobusnome (the book about the rules of behaviour in society). –Dushanbe: Enlightenment and Culture, 2007. -200pp.

10. Djurfodikoni A.N. Translation of Yamini`s History: introduction, interpretation, commentaries, glossary and  reference literature list by N.I. Ghiyosov. –Khujand: Publisher, 2013. -420 pp.

11. Khilal as-Sabi. Rules and Customs of Caliphs`  Court: translation from Arabic, introduction and  notes by I.B.Mikhaylova. –M., Science, 1983. -144 pp.

Publication date

Tuesday, 30 June 2015