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Semantico-Correlative Analysis of Root Adjectives of Colour in English, Tajik and Russian


Semantico-Correlative Analysis of Root Adjectives of Colour in English, Tajik and Russian


The article dwells on the comparative analysis of semantic structure of root adjectives of colour in English, Tajik and Russian.Proceeding from modern conceptions deаling with the given problem the author differentiates adjectives, which mean basic colours and colour hues in compared languages. According to the result of the analysis the author notes that the studied group of the adjectives have differentiated character in the way of expression: derivative adjectives, composites and word combinations correspond to the root adjectives of colour in compared languages. In individual cases the root adjectives of basic colours correspond to colour hues.


comparative analysis, basic colours, colour hues, root and derivative adjectives of colour, composites, word-combinations.


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Publication date

Tuesday, 30 June 2015