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Semantic and Stylistic Differencies of Verbal Synonymy in «Gulistan» by Saadi Sherozi


Nazarova Zarina Abdukhamitovna


The article dwells on semantic and stylistic differences of verbal synonymy in the outstanding literary  production of the XII-th century – that of “Guliston” by Saadi Sherozi. The objective and goal of the research is a study of semantico-stylistic peculiariries of verbal synonymy, determination of narrow and wide ranges of usage, a degree of occurrence and individual structural features. The author of the article adduces the examples of verbal synonymy, elaborates the meanings of words and elicits 5 types of synonymy: lexical, phraseological, lexico-phraseological, word-building, form-building. The scientific novelty of the research lies in a selection of an object of study: the author of the article makes an endeavour to develop major principles and criteria  concerned with a determination of semantic and  stylictic differences of verbal synonymy in Saadi`s work. The synonymy of word-building and a compound verb, except a range of usage, also differs with shades of meaning  and  stylistic colouring.


connection, meaning, stylistics, difference, Аrabic borrowings, denotation, connotation


1. Ali Akbar Dehhudo. Dictionary. -Tehran, 1377. The second edition. -VV.1-15. - 23902 pp.

2. Gafurov B. ABriefHistoryoftheTajikNation. -Stalinabad, 1947. – 200 p.    

3. Kamoliddinov B. StylisticPropertiesofMorphologyandSyntax in the Tajik Language. -Dushanbe: Enlightenment, 1992. - 128 pp.

4. Masumi N. SelectedWorks. -Dushanbe: Adib, 2005. -V.2. -350 pp.

5. Muhammad Taqi Bahor. Stylistics. -Tehran, 1349. -V.1. - 462 pp.

6.  Nazarova Z.A. LexicalandGrammaticalSynonymyofVerbsinthe "Gulistan" by SaadiSherozi: Synopsis of the dissertation for Candidate`s degree in phylology -Dushanbe, 2009. -26 p.

7. Saadi. Gulistan. Criticaltext, translation, prefaceandnotes byAliyev R.M.- М.: PublishinghouseofOrientalLiterature, 1959. - 487 pp.

8. Dictionary of the Tajik Language. -М.: Soviet encyclopaedia, 1969. -V.1. -951 pp.

9. Dictionary of Tajik language. -М.: Soviet encyclopaedia, 1969. -V.2. -947 pp.

Publication date

Tuesday, 30 June 2015