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The Role of Professional-Technical Education in Reference to the Preparation of Qualified Human Resources (1991-2005)


Khoshimova Shafoat Fayzulloevna


The article dwells on the study of the state of vocational-technical education in Tajikistan Republic during the years of independence. The author canvasses such issues as the types of educational establishment of the republic dealing with vocational-technical training‚ system of preparation of qualified workers‚ сurricula and teaching staffs of lyceums. In her article the author determines progressive colleges, considers agreements on collaboration‚ elicits difficulties and certain drawbacks in the activities of vocational-technical education in Sughd viloyat during the period of independence‚ accounts for their subjective and objective reasons‚ discloses progressive tendencies separate vocational-technical schools are distinguished with.


The author comes to the conclusion that the educational establishments of vocational- technical trend in Sughd viloyat play the main role in preparation of qualified working hands for the national economy of Tajikistan Republic.


preparation of working staff‚ conception of professional-technical education, professional labor school, secondary vocational-technical college, technical lyceum


1. Abdukodirov A. Koshonai Kasbu Hunar/A. Abdukodirov.- Khujand, 2014.- 48pp.

2. Conception of Vocational-Technical Education in Tajikistan Republic. - Dushanbe, 1993. - 35 pp.

3. Nabiev K.S.  Main Provisions of the Conception of Vocational-Technical Education in Tajikistan Republic /K.S.Nabiev. - Dushanbe, 1996. - 86 pp.

4. Rahmon E. The Speech at the Solemn Sitting dedicated to 60-th Anniversary of  TNU (Tajik National University) //Narodnaya Gazeta. (People`s Newspaper)- 2008.

 5. Statistical Annual of Sughd Viloyat. 2003. - Khujand, 2008. – 146 pp.

Publication date

Tuesday, 13 October 2015