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Recomprehension of Research Paradigm in Reference to Social Contradictions in Modern Social-Philosophical Conceptions (in the context of N. Luman`s social system)


Buzurgmekhr A.


Among a multiple variety of theories the discussion around the problem of correlation of different methodological approaches activized anew. In author`s opinion, the issue concerned with research methodology option is complicated and it is very difficult to answer this question in an only possible way; moreover, it is an object of acute arguments in modern sociology and social philosophy. Profound and objective research of the problem of social contradictions and conflicts of contemporary social development is singled out by the author as a priority goal of social philosophy.


The author makes an endeavour to comprehensively analyze this problem in the context of exploration in regard to social contradictions. Scientific importance of the article lies in an attempt to consider the problem in question through the prism of the theory of social systems belonging to German scientist N. Luman working in the field of sociology. Scientific quest and finding of different theoretical grounds and methodology of social cognition under contemporary conditions are extremely necessary because in the atmosphere of polarization of theoretical grounds concerned with scientific researches on the arena of social philosophy new scientific paradigms related to the cognition of social phenomena came into collision.


social contradictions, social conflict, social system, sinenergetics, communication, autopoyesis, self-organization 


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6.      Idiyev H.U. Transforming Tajik Society. – Dushanbe: Cognition, 2003. – 211 pp.

7.      Veber M. Selected Works. – M.: Progress, 1990. – 720 pp.

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9. Bourdieu P. Outline of a Theory of Practice. Cambr, Univ. Press, 1977; Davis N. Society and Culture in Early Modern France. Stanford Univ. Press, 1975; Hunt L. Politics, Culture and Class in the French Revolution. Barkeley: Univ. Calif. Press, 1984; Rosen L. Bargaining for Reality: The Construction of Social Relations in a Muslim Community. Chicago Univ. Press, 1984.



Publication date

Wednesday, 20 January 2016