The article dwells on the analysis of socio-political motives in the creation of the well-known Iranian poet of the XX-th century Malikushshuaro Bahor. It is asserted that in spite of the appurtenance to the school of the old classic poetry Bahor managed to reflect in his creation the burning topical problems of the life of the epoch, such as people`s poverty, corruption and venality of the powers those be, emancipation of women and etc. Special attention is paid to the place and role of such concepts as “Motherland” and “freedom” being central ones in Bahor`s creation. Though the poet stands for liberation and social activeness of a woman he doesn`t greet a forcible removal of a chadra.
Persian poetry of the XX-ieth century, Bahor`s creation, literature of “mashruta” period, social motives in Bahor`s poetry, innovation in poetry
1. Shafei Kadkani, Mukhammadrizo. Persian Literature since Djami`s Age up to nowadays. – Tehran: New edition, 1378 hijra
2. Oriyonpur Yakhyo. From Sabo to Nimo. Volume 2. – Tehran: Zavvor, 1372 hijra
3. Shafei Kadkani, Mukhammadriso. Periods of Persian Poetry: from Monarchy up to Sultanat Downfall. – Tehran: Tus, 1359 hijra.
4. Yokhaki, Mukhammadjafar. Like Thirsty Jug: History of Modern Literature of Iran. – Tehran: Jomi Jam`s publishing-house, 1379 hijra.
5. Bahor, Mukhammadtaki. Divan of Poetry. – Tehran: View, 1390 hijra.