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Measures Concerned with Further Development of Collective-Farm Frameworks and Economic-Organizing Collective-Farms Consolidation in Northern Districts of Tajikistan in post-War Years


Bahodurova F. Sh.


The article dwells on the process of establishment, development and economic-organizing consolidation of collective-farm frameworks in Tajikistan Republic.The measures which promoted a consolidation of collective-farm building are analyzed. The author reflects the activities of collective-farm machine-tractor stations (MTS) aimed at the production of cotton and other agricultural crops. The ways of the realization of the designed plans in reference to agriculture in post-war years are elucidated. In her article the author points that the integration of small collective-farms into larger ones and their transformation into big agricultural companies became a new important stage in a collective-farm evolution in the republic.


integration of small collective-farms into larger ones‚ agriculture‚ increase of cotton production‚ national economy‚ tractors‚ combines 


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2.      Ermolayev N.‚ Shifrin M. Mechanization of Tajikistan`s Agriculture // Agriculture. #10‚ 1954. – pp. 38 - 45.

3.      Ivanov F.N. From the Experience of Tajikistan Communist Party Work in Reference to Organizing-Economic Consolidation of Collective-Farms (1946 - 1966). - Dushanbe: Cognition. – 125 pp.

4.       Karshiyev D.K. Tajikistan Communist Party in Combat for Upsurge of Material Welfare Growth in Regard to Collective-Farm Peasantry. - Dushanbe: Cognition. – 50 pp.

5.      Kozachkovsky V. Tajik SSR in the first Period Post-War Five Years Plan (1946 - 1950) / Materials related to the history of the Tajik people during the Soviet period. – Dushanbe, 1954. – 443 pp.

6.       Communist Tajikistana (Communist of Tajikistan). September 4‚1954.

7.      Communist Tajikistana (Communist of Tajikistan). December 22, 1950.

8.      Mironov N.I. Tajikistan Communist Party Combat for Melioration and Mechanization of Cotton-Growing (1945 - 1965). - Dushanbe: Knowledge, 1975. – 266 pp.

9.      National Economy of Tajik SSR in 1962 / Statistical Annual. – Dushanbe, 1963. – 345 pp.

10.  Essays on the History of Collective-Farm Building in Tajikistan (1917 - 1965). - Dushanbe: Knowledge, 1968. – 432 pp.

11.  Essays on the History of Tajikistan Communist Party.– Dushanbe: Cognition‚ 1984. – 430 pp.

12.  Essays on the History of Tajikistan Communist Party (1938 - 1983). – V.2. - Dushanbe: Cognition‚ 1984. – 505 pp.

13.  Essays on the History of National Economy of Tajikistan (1917-1965). - Dushanbe: Knowledge‚ – 493 pp.

14.  Skorobogatov I.M. Tajikistan Communist Party in the Post-War Period (1945-1953). - Dushanbe‚ 1963. – 150 pp.

15.  Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic: Tajik Soviet Encyclopedia. - Dushanbe‚ 1984. – 236 pp.

16.  Yakhyayev M. Tajikistan Working People`s Combat for Restoration and Development of National Economy of the Republic (1945-1953) // Scientific Notes of GPISh. Series of Social Sciences. V.26, Issue 4, 1961. – p. 17.

17.  Leninabad Filial of RT Central State  Archive (CSA). Fund 51, inventory 1, registration number 56.

18.  Leninabad Filial of RT Central State  Archive (CSA). Fund 187, inventory 6, registration number 58.

19.  Leninabad Filial of RT Central State  Archive (CSA). Fund 322, inventory 1, registration number 11.


20.  Leninabad Filial of RT Central State  Archive (CSA). Fund 696, inventory 4, registration number 32.


Publication date

Monday, 18 January 2016