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Special Elevated Style Inherent in Emir Khusrav in his «Edjazi Khusravi» («The Miracle of Khusrav»)


Misbohiddin Narzikul


Especial style of Emir Khusrav used by him in «Edjazi Khusravi» («The Miracle of Khusrav») can be demonstrated in the course of considering the issues related to belles-lettres mastership by the usage of the works of Arabian-Persian poetry, Koranic ayats and Prophet`s khadises each of which is an object  of separate research.  The author canvasses the peculiarities in reference to «Edjazi Khusravi» («The Miracle of Khusrav»).

The author comes to the conclusion that when writing this work Emir Khusrav chose a special exquisite style which is based on logic and artistic imagination. The author proves that the production in question is inaccessible for readers` understanding if an individual has no special bakground. This work possesses both scientific and artistic values. Besides aesthetic and belles-lettres values «The Miracle of Khusrav» contains also the edifying constituent.


Amir Khusrav, «Edjazi Khusrav», especial style of reproduction, cognition of style, innovation, studies, citing.


1.        Sharifov Kh. Theory of Literature (Persian literature of the 4-th – 9-th cc by hijra). Dushanbe,2004.-319 pp.

2.       Dekhlavi, Amir Khusrav. The Miracle of Khusrav.V.1. -Lakhnau, 1872. -558 pp.

3.       Dekhlavi, Amir Khusrav. The Miracle of Khusrav.V.2. -Lakhnau, 1872. –558 pp.

4.       Dekhlavi, Amir Khusrav. The Miracle of Khusrav.V.3. -Lakhnau, 1876. -631pp.

5.       Dekhlavi, Amir Khusrav. The Miracle of Khusrav.V.4. -Lakhnau, 1876. -631 pp.

6.      Dekhlavi, Amir Khusrav. The Miracle of Khusrav.V.5. -Lakhnau, 1876.  -631pp.

Publication date

Monday, 03 August 2015