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The Role of Cultural-Enlightening Institutions in the Development of New Culture in Northern Areas of Tajikistan in the first Half of the XX-th Century


Nabiyev Nigmatdjon


Proceeding from historic documents kept in the funds of the  State archive of Sughd viloyat, publications on press pages and  scientific works of scientists-historians, the author of the article reveals the role of cultural-enlightening institutions in the  development  of new culture in the northern areas  of Tajikistan on the example of  Djabborrasulov (Proletar in the times spoken of) nokhiya. Progresses of the  residents of Tajikistan are shown on concrete examples. The author marks justly that the creation of the first new type of schools, clubs, cinema-theatres, red chaykhanas played the decisive  role in liquidation of illiteracy, upsurge of political activities of masses, formation of consciousness and   working enthusiasm, creation of favourable conditions for elevation of cultural level. Cultural-enlightening institutions created an initial base for gaining superior  heights of  culture.


cultural-enlightening institutions, illiteracy, red  chayhanas, broadcasting, cinema, newspapers and magazines, lectures and discourses


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2.State  Archive of Sughd Viloyat (SASV), fund 141, inventory 2, dossiers 7,11,18.

3.Iskandarov M. From the History of Soviet Construction in Tajikistan. – Dushanbe, Knowledge, 1983. – 228pp.

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5.History of Cultural Construction in Tajikistan. 1917-1977. V.1 / editor-in-charge: К.М. Мarsakov.  -  Dushanbe: Knowledge, 1979. -284 pp.

6.Kashirina T.V. People`s Education in Tajikistan (1924-1932). – Dushanbe: Knowledge, 1986. -156 pp.

7.Masov R.M. History of  Historical Science and  Historiography of Socialist Construction in Tajikstan. – Dushanbe: Knowledge, 1988. – 320pp.

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10.   RT Central State  Archive (CSA). Fund 5346, inventory 1, dossiers 45, 63.

11.   Shukurov M.R. The History of Cultural Life of Northern Tajikistan (1917-1941). – Dushanbe, 1970.

Publication date

Monday, 03 August 2015