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Elucidation of the Formation and Development of the System of Secondary Professional Education in Home Historiography


Ubaidulloev Nasrullo Karimovich


The article dwells on the historiographic analysis of the studies and elucidation  concerned with the  process of  the formation and development of the  system of secondary  professional education in home historiography. The author states that  these  formation  and  development have been one of essential achievements in the field of people`s education of the  republic in the  years of the  Soviet power as the  system  of training and retraining of professional human  resources of average standard was unavailable  in  pre-revolutionary Tajikistan. The  author remarks  also  that irrespective of achievements and  certain progresses there are  no less  unsolved questions in home  historiography. In this  connection there arises a  necessity of substantial complex exploration of the  history of secondary professional education in Tajikistan with taking into consideration its special peculiarities. In the author`s opinion, such approach enables to work out a corresponding conception of preparation a personnel for the republic with taking into account the  new realias of scientifico-technical progress.


Tajikistan, education, professional education, special education, history, historiography, educational system


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9. The Letter to the Secretary of Orgbureau of Tajikistan B.V. Tolpigo . Instenl Archive under  CPT CC. – F.1. – Inv.1. – D.408

10. Data of People`s Commissariat of Enlightenment (PeopComEnlight) of Tajik ASSSR for the academic year of 1925 /26 – Instenl Archive under CPT CC. – F.1. – Inv.1. – D.408.

11.  Secret Letter of the Vice-Chairman of the Central Political Managerial Office (CPMO) of the Tajik SSR; March, 1931 // Instenl Archive under CPT CC.F.3. Inv.5. D.457.

12. The 50-th Anniversary of the System of Vocational-Technical Education of the Tajik SSR. – Dushanbe,1990.

13. The Glorified 40-th Anniversary. – Dushanbe, 1964. – p. 158.

14. Tajikistan in the Fraternal  Family of the  USSR  Peoples / Collection of articles. – Dushanbe: Knowledge, 1972.

15. Khasanov K. G. Forьation and Development  of Vocational-Technical Education in the Tajik SSR. – Dushanbe, 1985.

16. Shukurov M.R. Cultural Revolution in Tajikistan (in the Tajik language). – Stalinabad, 1957. – 340 pp.

17. Shukurov M.R. Cultural Life of Tajikistan in the Years of the  Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). – Dushanbe, 1985. – 160 pp.

18. Shukurov M.R. Cultural Life of Tajikistan in the Period of Socialism Development. -Dushanbe, 1980. – 240 pp

Publication date

Monday, 03 August 2015