The article discloses the actual problem of contemporaneity, as labour migration becomes a significant factor for the entire world economy. The authors adduce a general review of this problem in Tajikistan Republic and prove the necessity of improving migrational policy proceeding from today`s conditions.
The authors present and substantiate the growth of economic dependence on labour migration in Tajikistan. Resorting to the existing methods of analysis the authors interpret the social-economic situation in Tajikistan in the trend of labour migration. They determine the degree of labour migration streams exercising their influence over the state of economic security. Both negative and attractive aspects of economic security have been examined. The development of the coutry`s economy has been analyzed respective of migrational streams intensification and migrational dependence. The authors propose the ways of reduction, stabilization and regulation of migrational dependence.
national economy, regulating process, social dependence, economic security, labour potential, perfection
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