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On Peculiarities of Word-Building in Loik Sherali’s “Modarnoma” (on the Basis of Complex Words)


Olimjonov, Muso Obidovich


Notwithstanding Loik Sherali’s creation  having been multiple time an object of monographic researches a study of the poet’s language has been paid few attention; in particular, here refer syntactical and morphological peculiarities of his poetical speech. The article dwells on the analysis beset with the latters. Word-building in “Modarnoma” is produced on the basis of complex words. The author divides the latters into four groups: 1 complex words which penetrated into the book from alive people’s language; 2 complex words from the basis stock of the Tajik literary language; 3 unique words of the language of classic literature revived by the poet; 4 compound words formed by the poet himself. The author of the article divides the fourth group of words into three subgroups: compound words, complex words and mixed words. It is ascertained that these words display synonymity, anthonimy and homonymy inside the text.


Loik, “Modarnoma”, word-building, complex words, words with coordinate connection  words with subordinate connection, mixed words


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Publication date

Tuesday, 20 November 2018